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Sheed & Ward Books announces the publication of

Seeing Judaism Anew

In September 2002, twenty-one prominent Catholic and Protestant scholars released the groundbreaking document "," which includes ten statements about Jewish-Christian dialogue focused around a guiding claim: "Revising Christian teaching about Judaism and the Jewish people is a central and indispensable obligation of theology in our time." Following the worldwide reception of their document, the authors have expanded their themes into Seeing Judaism Anew. The essays in this volume offer a conceptual framework by which Christians can rethink their understanding of the church's relationship to Judaism and show how essential it is that Christians represent Judaism accurately, not only as a matter of justice for the Jewish people, but also for the integrity of Christian faith.

By linking New Testament scholarship to the Shoah, Christian liturgical life, and developments in the church, this volume addresses the important questions at the heart of Christian identity, such as: Are only Christians saved? Why did Jesus die? Why is Israel so important to Jews, and what should we think about the conflict in the Middle East? How is Christianity complicit in the Holocaust? What is important about Jesus being a Jew? The collection of essays is edited by Mary C. Boys.

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Table of Contents

Philip A. Cunningham and Ruth Langer
A Sacred Obligation
Christian Scholars Group
Introductory Essays
Mary C. Boys
The Shoah and Jewish-Christian Relations
Eva Fleischner
God's Covenant with the Jewish People Endures Forever
The Enduring Covenant
Mary C. Boys
Jesus of Nazareth Lived and Died as a Faithful Jew
Jesus - A Faithful Jew
Joseph B. Tyson
The Death of Jesus
Joseph B. Tyson
Ancient Rivalries Must Not Define Christian-Jewish Relations Today
Ancient Rivalries and New Testament Interpretation: An Example from the Acts of the Apostles
Celia Deutsch
Ancient Jewish-Christian Rivalries in the Shadow of Empire: The Tensions of the Past as Lessons for the Present
Jean-Pierre Ruiz
Christian Feminism and Anti-Judaism
Mary C. Boys
Jewish Feminist Scholars: Vibrant Voices in New Testament Study
Deirdre Good
Judaism is a Living Faith, Enriched by Many Centuries of Development
"In Every Generation": Judaism as a Living Faith
Peter Pettit and
John Townsend
The Bible Both Connects and Separates Jews and Christians
Contemporary Christians and Israel's Ancient Scriptures
Walter Harrelson
Affirming God's Enduring Covenant with the Jewish People has Consequences for Christian Understandings of Salvation
Jesus as the Universal Savior in the Light of God's Eternal Covenant with the Jewish People: A Roman Catholic Perspective
Peter Phan
The Universal Significance of Christ: A Protestant Perspective
Clark Williamson
Christians Should Not Target Jews for Conversion
Covenant and Conversion
Philip A. Cunningham
Targeting Jews for Conversion Contradicts Christian Faith and Contravenes Christian Hope
Joanne Spillman
Christian Worship That Teaches Contempt for Judaism Dishonors God
The God of Israel and Christian Worship
John Merkle
A Matter of Perspective: An Alternative Reading of Mark 15:38
Rosann Catalano
Translations of the New Testament for Our Time
Norman Beck
We Affirm the Importance of the Land of Israel for the Life of the Jewish People
The Land of Israel in the Cauldron of the Middle East: A Challenge to Christian-Jewish Relations
Michael McGarry
Christians Should Work with Jews for the Healing of the World
The Challenge of Tikkun Olam for Jews and Christians
John T. Pawlikowski
Christian-Jewish Relations After the Shoah: Historical Reflections
The Road to Reconciliation: Protestant Church Statements on Christian-Jewish Relations
Franklin Sherman
Catholic Teaching on Jews and Judaism: An Evolution in Process
Eugene J. Fisher
Revising Christian Teaching: The Work of the Christian Scholars Group on Christian-Jewish Relations
Alice Eckardt


The work of the Christian Scholars Group
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Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College