
A Comparison of the Gospel Passion Narratives






The Arrest Jesus went to Gethsemane. Jesus went to Gethsemane. Jesus came to that place. Jesus crossed the Kidron to a garden.
Jesus greatly distressed & troubled. Jesus sorrowful & troubled.



Jesus takes Peter, James, & John. Jesus takes Peter, James, & John. Jesus withdraws & prays: "let cup pass."


He prays three times: "let cup pass by." He prays three times: "let cup pass by." [Bloody sweat]


Others sleep. Others sleep. Others sleep for sorrow. Judas comes.
Judas comes; kisses Jesus. Judas comes; kisses Jesus. Judas comes; kisses Jesus. Jesus: "I am he"; soldiers swoon.
Slave’s ear cut off. Slave’s ear cut off. Slave’s right ear cut off. Jesus heals it. Peter severs Malchus’ right ear.
Jesus protests his clandestine arrest Jesus protests his clandestine arrest: "12 legions of angels." Jesus protests his clandestine arrest. "I must drink the cup."
All flee; a youth flees naked. All flee.  They seized Jesus and led him away. They seized Jesus and bound him. 
Jesus Before Temple Priests Jesus led to high priest. Peter follows. Jesus led to Caiaphas. Peter follows. Jesus to high priest’s house. Peter follows. Jesus led to Annas. Peter follows.
- - - Other disciple admits Peter to courtyard. Peter's 1st denial.
Sanhedrin night trial. Sanhedrin night trial.


High priest questions Jesus.
Charged with threat to destroy Temple. Charged with threat to destroy Temple


Jesus protests his arrest.
"Are you Christ? Son of Blessed?" "Are you Christ? Son of Blessed?"


Annas sends Jesus to Caiaphas.
Blasphemy! Death sentence. Blasphemy! Death sentence. - -
Jesus mocked: "Prophesy!" Jesus mocked: "Prophesy!" - -
Peter’s three denials. Peter’s three denials. Peter’s three denials. Jesus looks at him. Peter’s 2nd and 3rd denials.
- - Jesus mocked: "Prophesy!"


Sanhedrin morning meeting. Sanhedrin morning meeting. Sanhedrin morning meeting.


- - "Are you Christ?" -
- - "What need of witnesses?" -
- - No sentence. -
Jesus led to Pilate. Jesus led to Pilate, the governor. Jesus led to Pilate. Jesus led from Caiaphas' house to Praetorium.


Suicide of Judas. - -
Jesus Before Pilate


- Accusations: he perverts our nation, forbids tribute to Caesar; calls himself Christ, a king.

[Outside] Pilate: "What charge do you bring?" Reply: "He’s guilty & we can’t kill him."

"Are you the king of the Jews" "Are you the king of the Jews" "Are you the king of the Jews" [Inside] "Are you the king of the Jews"
- - Jesus: "So you say" Pilate: "No crime" Jesus: "Not of this world."


- Jesus sent to Herod who returns him. Pilate: "no crime." [Outside] Pilate: "No crime."
Barabbas Barabbas Barabbas Barabbas


Pilate’s wife’s dream.


[Inside] Jesus scourged and mocked.


Pilate washes hands, "you do it!" 


[Outside] "Behold the man!" "He must die!"  

- - - [Inside] "Where do you come from?"
"Crucify him!" Crowd: "His blood be on us & our children." "Crucify him!" Pilate: "no crime."  [Outside] "We have no king but Caesar!"
Jesus scourged and handed over. Jesus scourged and handed over. Jesus delivered up to their will. Jesus handed over to them to be crucified.
Jesus mocked with crown of thorns. Jesus mocked with crown of thorns. - -
Simon of Cyrene carries cross. Simon of Cyrene carries cross. Simon of Cyrene carries cross. Jesus carries own cross by himself.
- - Women of Jerusalem weep for Jesus.


The Cross They came to Golgotha. They came to Golgotha. They came to Skull Place.


They crucified him. They crucified him. Crucified him and two criminals on right and left. Crucified him & two others on either side
- - Jesus: "Father, forgive them." "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews" in 3 languages. Priests vs. Pilate.
Cast lots for his clothes. Third hour Cast lots for his clothes. Cast lots for his clothes. Casts lots, but tunic without seam.
"The King of the Jews."  "This is Jesus the King of the Jews" -


Two brigands then crucified on right and left of Jesus. Two brigands then crucified on right and left of Jesus. - -
Passersby mock Jesus. Passersby mock Jesus. People watch. -
Chief priests & scribes mock him. Chief priests, scribes, elders mock him.  Rulers scoff at Jesus. -
- - Soldiers mock Jesus, offering vinegar. -
- - "This is the King of the Jews" -
Jesus reviled by others crucified. Jesus reviled by brigands. One convict repents; "Paradise today!" -
- - - Mother, 3 women, beloved disciple. "Behold your son/mother."
Sixth hour brings darkness. Sixth hour brings darkness. Sixth hour brings darkness. -
- - Sun eclipsed; Temple curtain torn. -
"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani!" "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani!" Jesus screams & prays, "Father, to you I commend my spirit" Jesus: "I thirst." Vinegar offered.
Jesus screams and breathes his last. Jesus screams and yields his spirit. He breathes his last. "It is finished." Gives up his spirit.
Temple curtain torn. Temple curtain torn; earthquake. - -


Dead arise and visit Jerusalem. - -
Centurion: "God’s Son!" Centurion & others: "God’s Son!" Centurion: "He was innocent!" Passover sundown; soldiers break others’ legs, but Jesus is speared; blood and water discharged.
- - Crowd leaves beating breasts in sorrow
Four women see all from afar. Four women see all from afar. All Jesus’ acquaintances and the women stand at a distance. He who saw it has borne true witness.

The Burial

Joseph of Arimathea, a council member, asks Pilate for the body. Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple, asks Pilate for the body. Joseph of Arimathea, a council member who opposed their action, asks Pilate for the body. Joseph of Arimathea, a secret disciple, asks Pilate for the body.
Pilate checks on death of Jesus.



He & Nicodemus anoint body with spices.
Body wrapped in shroud. Body wrapped in shroud. Body wrapped in shroud. Body in cloth wrappings.
Rock tomb. New rock tomb. Unused rock tomb. Unused garden tomb.
Stone against door. Stone against door. Day of Preparation. Day before the Sabbath.
Mary Magdalene & Mary (Joses’ mother) observe the tomb. Mary Magdalene & the other Mary observe the tomb. Women from Galilee observe tomb.



Guard posted.

