Research Misconduct

It is Boston College policy that those conducting research will adhere to the highest ethical standards. Research misconduct means fabrication, falsification or plagiarism in proposing, performing or reviewing research, or reporting research results. Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion.

The Boston College Research Misconduct Policy sets the standards for the ethical conduct of research and describes what happens in cases in which an allegation of research misconduct is made. The policy applies to all members of the Boston College research community, including faculty members, students, post-doctoral fellows and research staff working on research projects in any discipline.

The University shall review, inquire into and, if necessary, investigate all instances of alleged research misconduct, and endeavor to resolve all allegations promptly and fairly. When sponsored project funds are involved in the allegation, the University will comply in a timely manner in accordance with the sponsor鈥檚 policies and requirements for reporting cases of possible research misconduct.

All members of the University community are responsible for reporting what they believe to be misconduct on the part of the faculty, research personnel (including and temporary or adjunct members of the research staff), students, and other trainees.

Anyone who possesses information that leads them to believe that a member of the University community has engaged in an activity that could be construed as research misconduct should report the matter in writing, if possible, to the Vice Provost for Research.